Michael Rufolo about his Nordstage 3

“While it might not have the same vibe as a real Rhodes or a real Hammond B3, it does the job and passes with flying colors. The Rhodes are probably the most believable sound
on the Nord Stage 3. It also has some REALLY cool vinyl patches that emulate the vinyl texture and scratches. The onboard effects are really usable although not much to tweak in terms of the parameters. but limitations often breed creativity.
I really want to start using the Synth Engine more to create more sounds, for now its really just being used as an electric keyboard(Rhodes,Wurlitzer 200).” - Michael Rufolo
Michael and Nick Rufolo are twins from Long Island, New York and make music as The Brothers Nylon for years now. Their youtube channel is a goldmine of weired and crazy videos, dope jams, hot songs and chilled out vibes. They have teamed up with Shawn Lee for two albums and releases plenty material over the past years. Whatever the sound is, those guys will rock it!
Follow their work via @thebrothersnylon